The Love of a Mother

Lisa Holt
Lisa Holt

There are no softer words than those spoken by a mother.  There is no gentler touch than that of a mother. There is not a more comforting place than in the arms of a mother. Mothers come in all ages, colors, shapes, sizes and species, but they all have one thing in common—the extent of their love for their children knows no end. Even the smallest of animals will fight to the death for their children against an insurmountable foe.


There is a bond like no other between a mother and her children. No matter how old the child, in a mother’s eyes, they are just that, her child. Once upon a time, I had a young friend who was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  At the time of her diagnosis, she was 26 years old and married, but from the day she heard those terrible words “you have cancer”, her mother was always there.  She underwent treatment, lost her hair and all of the other side effects that come with chemotherapy, with her mother at her side.  She went into a brief remission and, of course, her mother was there to celebrate with her.  When the cancer came back, it was with a vengeance.  More aggressive treatments became necessary, and the side effects were horrendous.  Ironically, during the course of my friend’s treatment, her mother was diagnosed with cancer.  Again, they shared a bond that not many mothers and daughters will ever have the misfortune to share.  And even though her mother was undergoing treatment and not well herself, she never left her daughter’s side.  Ultimately, my friend lost her battle to cancer.  Her mother had to do what no mother should ever have to do; bury her child.  One month after her daughter passed away, she succumbed to the cancer that had invaded her body and passed away.  It seemed as if she had been waiting, fighting and continuing to live on so that she could hold her daughter’s hand until she took her last breath.   Now, mother and daughter are forever united.


Many of us are fortunate enough to have our Mothers still living, and we can celebrate Mother’s Day—and every day—with them.  Don’t ever take that for granted.   For those whose Mothers have passed, just know you will always be your Mother’s child, and they are looking down on you from a better place.


And to my Momma, thank you for your love, your sacrifices, your teachings, and your patience. Happy Mother’s Day!!!