Elect to Protect Your Health When Voting


With record turnout predicted for Election Day 2020, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from COVID-19 and other seasonal illnesses and to avoid making others sick.

Things you can do when heading to your local voting precinct that can prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses include:

• Wearing a face mask that covers your nose and mouth. Remember that Louisiana has a statewide mandate that requires residents to wear face masks in public.
• Keeping at least six feet between you and other voters while waiting in line.
• Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving to vote and again when you get home. And, carrying hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol with you to clean your hands if washing is not an option.
• Using disposable gloves or finger coverings or bringing a stylus or other object you can use to press buttons when voting, to avoid touching them with your bare hands.
• Bringing your own pen so you will not have to use a shared one to sign documents.

And, early November is a good time to get your flu shot if you have not already. This will give you the best protection against the influenza virus heading into the later months of the year, when cases typically peak.

For information on what Blue Cross is doing for members during COVID-19, visit www.bcbsla.com/covid19.