Protecting Cenla’s Furry Friends


The Protective Animal Welfare Society (P.A.W.S.) has been serving Central Louisiana for over 25 years as a registered non-profit organization fighting to prevent animal abuse/neglect, as well as animal overpopulation. P.A.W.S. provides several worthwhile services to the community, including a spay/neuter discount program, which makes spay/neuter more affordable for low income households. This program is aimed at reducing the euthanization of thousands of animals each year at the local animal shelters (over 6,700 last year alone).

Protecting Cenla’s Furry FriendsP.A.W.S. also provides a 24/7 automated Petline, which allows concerned citizens to call anonymously and report cases of animal abuse and neglect and more. Petline callers are offered the choice of three options.  The first allows the public to anonymously leave a complaint or concern relating to any potential animal situation.  The second line is for the public to call inquiring about the spay/neuter assistance program.  Local veterinarians have been very cooperative with us in providing discounted services and some even donate a limited amount of “free spay/neuters”.  The third line is left for those who may have a pet that needs a home or are looking to adopt a certain type of pet.

All P.A.W.S. members volunteer their time. The organization survives solely on donations from kind and generous people across the community. With your support, through individual donations, donations in our “doggie banks” located in businesses across Cenla, and the support of the local business community, PAWS can continue to help the animals who cannot speak for themselves. We are their voice.

For more information on how you can get involved with P.A.W.S. in Cenla, call the Petline at (318) 443-0010.