One Voice

Lisa Holt
Lisa Holt

As a child, there was a point in our lives when we dreamed of saving the world—whether it be as a doctor, nurse, teacher or superhero.  I think every child has visions of being the conquering hero, just like in the movies when they played their role to perfection and everyone lived happily ever after because of our efforts.  Even as an adult, I used to think I could save the world. I could foster every homeless animal until I found it a loving home.  I could figure out a way to shelter every child so they would never be abused or neglected.  I could instill in other women a confidence so that they could walk away from an abusive relationship.  I could provide a way for every man to earn a living and support their families so there would be no hunger or homelessness.  But then I realized the world had far more problems than just little ole me could resolve and I became discouraged in my efforts. I became self-absorbed in my own problems and chose to close my eyes to the problems of others.  But one day I’d had enough of wallowing in my self pity and only seeing the negatives of the world I had made for myself.  I opened my eyes and evaluated everything around me and realized I had more blessings than many.


From that day forward, my life’s motto has been to leave this world a better place than when I found it.  I was still only one person, but I was mighty and determined.  I could choose to see the negatives of life or I could start creating a positive environment for my children to grow up in. And perhaps in their future, even though the world may still be a messed up place, theirs will be the voices that rise up and say “Enough”. And hopefully they will give their children the confidence to do the same, and so forth and so on.  At that point, it is no longer just lil old me, I have raised my voice so that others have heard and acted.  Imagine what would happen if others did the same. It only takes one voice. Start using yours to make a positive difference.  And then we can all live happily ever after, thanks to you!