Are You the One?

Are You the One?
Lisa Holt

Each of us was put here to make the world a better place than when we arrived in it.  We are made to give back in some fashion to our communities, help those that need help, and teach our children how to help others.  But, our lives have become so crazy busy and we get so caught up in just surviving the days, the weeks and the months, that we fail to see the needs of those around us.  Some of the needs are so evident; for example, the older gentleman that struggles to walk down his driveway every morning to get his morning paper. We know his walk is a struggle by the way his back is stooped and his steps are small, slow and unsteady. Yet he makes that walk every morning because there is no one else that will.  How much time would it take out of our crazy busy day to bring the gentleman his paper? Or better yet, ask our children to bring him his paper and begin teaching a whole generation how to be givers and not takers.

Are You the One?But in a world full of problems you might ask yourself, “I am but one person. How can I make even a ripple in an ocean so vast and tumultuous?”   Well, here’s fact: Throughout history, any change that has come about was begun by one person. All that one person has to have is a vision, a plan and a passion. One person armed with those attributes can change a life, change a town, change a nation.  When we stop and look at life through other’s eyes, our lives don’t look quite as dismal as we see them—there are always others that have a much harder road to travel than the one we are on.  Let’s begin to make helping others a part of our crazy busy life.  It’s already cluttered with “stuff”, why not choose to clutter it with life-changing “stuff”. Will you take the time out of your crazy busy life to notice others in need? Will you dare to be different, speak out and take action? Will you lead by example?  Are you that one person?