Cenla Focus

When Enabling is Actually Disabling

In the 12 Step Recovery Program, enabling is a word used to describe the behavior of the family members or loved ones, who rescue an alcoholic or drug addict from the consequences of their own self destructive behavior.  In the true sense of the word, enabling behavior means something positive, and it is only natural to want to enable out of our instinct for love.  But enabling is destructive love and actually results in “disabling”.  Love that does not include boundaries is not healthy, and is not truly love.  When we enable a drug addict or alcoholic, we are sending a message that their behavior is acceptable, even when it is not.  Simply put, enabling creates an atmosphere in which the addict can comfortably continue his/her unacceptable behavior.


Tips To Stop Enabling:


This holiday season, give the gift of “Recovery” to yourself or your loved one.

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