Cenla Focus

More Listening and Less Talking

Lisa Holt
Lisa Holt

We all go through times in our lives when we worry and stress. If you are a praying person, that tends to be the times we say the most prayers.  Most of us know how to talk to God, but do we know how to listen to His answer?  For example, I recently had a pretty tough week.  I own my own business, and at certain times of the year, it’s not all a bed of roses.  I had been saying my prayers and asking God to guide me in the right direction and help me to make decisions that would help my business.  One night, a text from my 25-year-old daughter who lives in Texas brought tears to my eyes.  It was quite a random text saying that she hoped I lived forever because I was her best friend and she couldn’t imagine life without me.  That same night, I had a dream that something bad happened to my son.  I woke up with my heart racing and my body drenched in sweat.  I jumped out of the bed and rushed to his bedroom to find him sleeping peacefully (for which I immediately thanked God).  The next morning, I awoke feeling different, not as stressed about my business, and more focused on my family.


There are those that may not agree, but that was God answering my prayers. What He was telling me was all that stressing over my business is not where my energies needed to be.  I am very blessed with a wonderful family and excellent health—theirs and mine.  Those events were God’s way of reminding me how fortunate I am and where my priorities should lie.  It has taken me many years, but I am learning to listen to God’s answers.  It may not be what I wanted to hear or was expecting, but I have found if I listen, things go much smoother in my life.  It is said that in order to be a good friend and student of life, one should learn to do more listening and less talking.  Amen.

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