Cenla Focus

Lipstick and Cocaine

Lipstick and Cocaine
Lipstick and Cocaine
Lisa Holt

Lipstick and Cocaine” is a song about a woman’s journey through depression, drug addiction, an abusive relationship and coming to the end of the road, too tired to fight the fight, and ready to succumb to the darkness and pass from this life. Kaz Hawkins’ song tells a tale of the different people that came into her life as she was considering ending it, helping her to realize her worth in this world, and how empty this space would be without her in it. The journey wasn’t an easy one, and it took all the strength she had, but is a testimony of a hard-fought battle that she continues to fight every day. Depression isn’t a mood. Those that suffer from it can’t just go shopping and get over it. Or indulge in a gallon of their favorite ice cream to ease their pain. That’s why many resort to drugs and alcohol, any way they can to try to numb the pain for just a little while. Depression doesn’t discriminate; it knows no age, no race, no gender. It doesn’t care how successful you are or how much money you have.


The song tells us how important the people in the artist’s life were in her recovery. By reaching out to her, telling her of her worth and helping to get the help she needed, they—with the help of the good Lord—saved her. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. No matter what we are going through, it’s not worth ending our lives over. As adults, it is difficult to understand this as we sometimes feel overwhelmed. As young people, it’s many times impossible to grasp. We talk to our children about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, but how many conversations have we had with them about depression and suicide?  Many will argue they don’t want to put ideas in their heads. But you know your children and you know when it’s appropriate to have that conversation. The signs are not always there.  People that are depressed can function and hide the darkness they are living in.


As a mom of a teen, I encourage you to open those lines of communications and keep them open with your children. As a friend to those with depression, I encourage you to be willing to risk that friendship to intervene and have a difficult conversation. As the daughter of someone who suffered from depression, I encourage you to be willing to accept their wrath by getting them help. As someone who has suffered from depression, I encourage you to hold on and keep climbing that mountain out of the dark trenches and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. We all need it from time to time.

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