Cenla’s Resolutions 2011


Cenla's Resolutions 2011With the dawn of each New Year comes a sense of renewal, hope and excitement about the year to come. It’s also a great time to take a moment to reflect on life as a whole. One of the most popular tenants of this season is the New Year’s Resolution—a time-honored tradition of rededicating ourselves to becoming better people, both inside and out. In this spirit of renewal and improvement, we set out to ask some of you, Cenla, exactly what you have planned for 2011. Here’s what a few of the folks we asked had to say. Don’t get left out! Visit our website at www.CenlaFocus.com to add your Resolution to the comment section for inclusion in our online edition! Happy New Year!

Foster Walker III
“I am looking forward to the growth of our business in 2011 and for the many opportunities for those who’d like to work with us and join us in our efforts.”

Scott Terrell
“To be a better steward of money, resources and time, to try to give more throughout the year.”

Kathy Ward
“To pray daily.”

Blake Chatelain
“To lend more money.”

Jimmy Williams
“Like everybody else, I resolve to do better, lose weight and exercise a little more, but most importantly, to work to move the Central Louisiana area forward.”

Clint Murphy
“I’m looking forward to 2011 as probably one of the best year’s we’ve ever had professionally. All indications point in that direction. Personally, I’d like to always remember that we’re part of a community, and we should always do what’s for the greater good.”

Wesley Watkins
“To be healthier in 2011.”

Greg O’Quin
“My resolution is to run the New York Marathon in November, 2011 in under 4 hours and 50 minutes.”

Al Velotta
“To achieve better balance between my work and personal life.”

Kristina Cherry
“To get settled in my new home in Alexandria.”

Gary Perkins
“To make more money.”

Jim Clinton
“To try to be a better human being in 2011.”

Sheriff A.D. ‘Bodie’ Little
“I’m still on a mission to clean up Winn Parish from drugs, and we still have a drug problem. Personally, I would like to spend more quality time with my family that this job can sometimes take away sometimes. I need to eat plenty of cabbage and black eyed peas, because I need luck and this department needs money even better than that. I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year.”

John Gunter
“To be at Word of Mouth Café more.”

Bob Dvorak
“To lose some weight.”

Fran Davis
“To hope that I can stay active.”

John Ed LaBorde
“Health and happiness.”

Faith Ford
“My resolution is to stay on course with my positive actions for Alexandria/Pineville in film.”

Lynn Glaze
“Love, Peace and Happiness”

Alaina Whatley
“To help the community Splurge on good fun, food and health!”

Michael Bindursky
“To reunite with family”

John Tudor
“To find somebody to change the baby’s diapers.”

Dr. Wilton Guillory, Jr.
“To improve our new facility and provide the best service to our patients and friends.”

Sandie Buller
“To get more organized so I can spend more time with my family and friends.”

Dr. Honey Fiasconaro
“To make more people smile!”

Peter Teng
“To show thanks to our community for their support as we continue to try to serve them better this year.”

Kellie Peyton
“To not sweat the little things, and appreciate my wonderful friends and family more.”

Dawn Loewer
“To better serve our customers and continue to dress Cenla one outfit at a time.”

C.J. Nichols
“Sales heals all…sell, sell, sell!”

Ever Juarez
“To be healthy.”

Jessie Campbell
“To grow wiser and thinner.”

Johnny Verzwyvelt
“To lose twenty pounds.”

Katie Chatagnier
“To purchase a home.”

Stephanie Prestridge
“To be the kind of mother my child deserves.”

Greg Walker
“To finally get organized.”

Karen Burns
“To enjoy my life more.”

Kelli West
“To be more organized in all aspects of my life and to be more active!”

Shy Tyler
“To enjoy life more, treat each day as if it’s my last, to listen more and talk less and to save money for more travel.”

Taylor Mathews
“To be a better host; not just at home, but in life.”

Col. Mike Edmonson
“To use the special gift of the season to enjoy the New Year and use it to the best of my ability to touch every life I can for the better, and to make Louisiana a special place to live and visit. I wish special blessings on my friends, family and this place I call home, Alexandria.”

Michael Bonnette
“To try and spend more time with my family, eat better and get back into shape.”

Nancy Stich
“To be thoughtful in responding to requests for my volunteer participation. I will only say, “Yes,” to those requests that I can fully support and recognize that saying, “No,” allows another individual the opportunity to serve. For our community to grow, we must all work to enlarge the volunteer base that supports civic and charitable endeavors.”