Allergy Season Can Make Eyes Red, Itchy and Irritated

Dr. Phillip L. Carney, Jr.
Dr. Phillip L. Carney, Jr.

Many individuals suffer from seasonal allergies that can cause the sinus cavity to be inflamed and congested.  The surface of the eye can also be affected by allergic conjunctivitis.  The conjunctiva is the lining of the inside of the eye lids as well as the covering of the sclera (white portion of the eye).  If an allergic event is triggered, the conjunctiva may become inflamed, red and itchy.  The glands in the eyelids that produce tears can make an overabundance of tears, which causes the eyes to become watery to “flush out” any allergens.  Sometimes a mucous discharge from the eyes is also present.


Treatment for allergic conjunctivitis is usually some type of eye drop that is either an artificial tear for a very mild case, or an over-the-counter (OTC) and/or prescription eye drop for moderate to severe cases.  Most OTC allergy drops contain anti-histamine for the itching and a vasoconstrictor for the redness.  Prescription allergy drops contain a stronger anti-histamine or possibly a mild steroid.  Careful examination of the conjunctiva helps determine the severity of the allergic reaction.


Dr. Carney is available for all your eye care needs by appointment at Wallace Eye Associates by calling (318) 448-0221.