9th Annual Louisiana Dragon Boat Races Moving to Lake Buhlow


9th Annual Louisiana Dragon Boat Races Moving to Lake BuhlowEvery May since 2011, the Alexandria Museum of Art has hosted their signature fundraising event, the Louisiana Dragon Boat Races. For most of the festival’s 9 year history, the races have taken place on the Red River, at the Alexandria river front amphitheater. In 2016, for safety reasons related to the high water and swift currents of the Red River, the decision was made to move the races to Lake Buhlow in Pineville. This year, the Alexandria Museum of Art is looking for similar conditions in the river’s water levels, and has made the decision that once again, the races will be held at Lake Buhlow. Race day will remain Saturday, May 4th. AMoA is thankful to the cities of Alexandria and Pineville for their assistance in prioritizing the safety of all race participants during this change.

“We made the decision to move the races to Lake Buhlow due to the forecasted levels of the Red River,” said 2019 Race Chairman Trish Leleux. “The safety of our rowers comes first and we have a terrific option in Pineville without the potential hazard. We appreciate both cities working with us to make this event happen!”

9th Annual Louisiana Dragon Boat Races Moving to Lake BuhlowThe venue change will not affect AMoA’s Red River Festival schedule. AMoA Executive Director Catherine Pears explained, “As an art anchor in Downtown Alexandria, AMoA is committed to the cultural community and quality of life of Central Louisiana, and as such will participate in Alexandria Red River Festival with other activities, in and around the Museum, planned for the festival weekend regardless of the necessary move to Lake Buhlow for the races. It will be a wonderful weekend on both sides of the Red River!”

Red River Festival events at the Alexandria Museum of Art kick off on Friday, May 3rd with the 4th Annual Spring Illuminate the Arts Procession. The Alexandria Museum of Art will be lighting up the streets once again with the fourth annual Spring Illuminate the Arts Procession! The community is welcomed to walk in the procession with a luminary they have created! There will also be luminaries to borrow! First come, first serve! So, get here early. The procession will begin at 8:00pm. All participants should arrive at the museum no later than 7:30pm.

On Saturday, May 4th, The Muse Fort Building Art Project will begin at 9:00am. Muse members will be hosting a fun project building box forts in the parking lot of AMoA, inviting teens to come join them in creating and tricking out our own box forts! Do you have a young person between the ages of 13 and 21 who would like to participate? Have them contact Cindy Blair at [email protected] or call her at (318) 443-3458. You can pre-register online at bit.ly/AMoAMuseClub.

Outside on the patio, Art in the Alley Activities also kick off at 9:00am. The Alexandria Museum of Art Education department will host several outdoor art activities in the alley and on the patio of AMoA. Join in for several free art activities throughout the day! The Museum will also offer free group tours of AMoA at three different times throughout the day on Saturday. Museum curator Megan Valentine will guide the guests through the “Concrete & Adrift: On the Poverty Line” and “Sordid & Sacred: The Beggers in Rembrandt’s Etchings” exhibitions. The tours are an excellent opportunity to experience the Museum. Come out to support your museum during the Red River Festival!

9th Annual Louisiana Dragon Boat Races Moving to Lake BuhlowThe 2019 Louisiana Dragon Boat Races are sponsored by Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital, Red River Bank, Cleco, Rapides Regional Medical Center, Walker Automotive, Boise Cascade, and The Alexandria-Pineville Convention and Visitors Bureau, and is supported by various organizations and local media outlets. More information is available at the Alexandria Museum of Art or online at www.louisianadragonboatraces.com, www.themuseum.org and www.facebook.com/LouisianaDragonBoatRaces